Agrow Bio
makes it possible for landowners to invest their “land from shares” in profitable top modern Agricultural, Food & Bioenergy Industries

Why is a new perspective in farming needed?
All over the world, agriculture & food production are growing increasingly competitive, using state of the art plants, machinery, and advanced cultivation, processing and marketing methods.
Small and medium farmers are unable to compete, and soon bought up by bigger farmers, who again are bought up by large International Agricultural, Food & Bioenergy Industries.
In the future, only large Agricultural & Food industries with advanced Agricultural & Food Technology will be able to meet the competition.
In Africa, many landowners are selling their land for the best price possible, but may end up with nothing when the profit is consumed.
Agrow Bio mission is to advise landowner’s not to sell their land, but invest it for valuable shares and collateral in highly profitable, Advanced Intensive Agricultural, Food & Bioenergy Industries, cultivating the land in production of High Quality Food Products, while utilizing the huge Biomaterial leftovers for 2nd Generation Bioenergy Production.
Our application of Efficient Modern Farming methods with Irrigation and up to five harvests per year, turn agricultural land into fertile land with high yields and top price on the market. Processing, Packaging in Consumer Packs and Sales Directly to the Retail Market and Export Markets results in High Turnover to the Land-investor/Shareholders.
Agrow Machine Station Ltd. is a State of the Art Machine-Station that bush clear, cultivate and harvest the land in the most efficient and sustainable way with the modern Large Scale Farming Methods.

Agrow Bio is committed to secure Economic Development for its Shareholders, build State of the art Grain Milling & 2nd Gen. Bioenergy Plant, expanding local food production and turn the Agricultural Waste Production into Valuable Bioenergies, Biofuels, Electricity, Organic Fertilizers, Animal Food, Bio Pellets and many other Bioenergies.
Our projects will create a large number of jobs in the local area. We are committed in educating the Shareholders and Employees, securing Continuing Development in the local Area.
The goal is to facilitate construction of a 2nd Generation Bioenergy Plant in the area based on a membership base of 100,000 hectares. Until the plant is constructed, which can start from 25,000 ha shareholders, the focus will be on optimizing agricultural production.
Agrow Tech. is Warranty Sales, Repair, Service and Maintenance Agent for suppliers of Plant, Tractor & Machines.